Fun, Entertainment, Charity
SydneySiders Express Harmony Chorus is a group of men and women from all walks of life who enjoy singing in four part harmony in a cappella style. We perform at many venues throughout the year. In doing that, we raise money for the Oncology Research Unit at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead. If you wish to donate to this charity use the Donation box, bottom right on this page, and make a comment that it is purely for this charity.Post Covid our chorus is much reduced but we are now building up again. We welcome anyone who enjoys singing and can carry a tune to join our chorus. Although previous musical training is an advantage, it is not a requirement, as we can provide all the necessary materials, instruction, techniques, and opportunity to reward our members with an enjoyable, satisfying, and healthy hobby.
Fun, Entertainment, Charity sums us up. Learn more about us - what we do, and how we do it. We welcome anyone to come and listen any Thursday night at 7:30pm onwards-see the details of our next Thursday night here.
Please enjoy browsing our website where you'll discover a lot, not only about us, but also about the a cappella fraternity at large.
There is great camaraderie between everyone in our chorus, and between barbershop choruses in Australia and all around the world.

A wonderful night singing to the Children
Our greatest pleasure each year is our Christmas visit to The Children's Hospital at Westmead. Sometimes we are able to entertain the children over the "in-house" television facility. We entertain at various spots and end up in one of the children's wards nurses station to sing and then present our annual donation to the Oncology, Unit. We were awarded the "Bear" statue when we attained the "Patron Status". As at the end of 2024 our donations over the years amount to over $190,000